School Day and Attendance


Start time


Lunchtime play

10:40am – 11:00am


11:05am – 11:20pm


1:20pm - 1:40pm

End of school



Doors open to students at 8:30am when supervision by teachers commences. Students arriving after 8:40am are to report to the administration office for a late note.



WA regulations state that parents must ensure their child attends school. When children are enrolled in the school, admission and family cards are prepared. These include addresses and phone numbers in case of emergency. Please ensure that this information is kept up to date. Birth certificates and immunisation cards need to be sighted on enrolment. Legal custody arrangements need to be shown to the Principal and kept up to date.




Students arriving at school significantly late or leaving early miss critical morning routines and learning activities. The school day begins at 8:40am students will be considered late if they are not in class by this time. Students arriving to school after 8.40am will need to collect a late note from the front office before going to class. 


Leaving the school grounds

Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds. Before taking children out of the school during school hours, the accompanying adult is required to sign out their child at the front office.



  • If your child is absent from school please let the school know, detailing your child's name, class and reason for absence. A medical certificate may be required to explain prolonged absences.

  • If there are two days of unexplained absences, contact will be made by either the classroom teacher or administration asking for an explanation of the absences.

  • The school will meet with you to discuss any ongoing issues and an attendance plan to be put in place.

  • If you wish to take your child/ren on holiday during school time please click here to fill out the relevant request form.  The request will be reviewed and approved by the Principal.

    School Parking

The front carpark of the school is for staff only.  Please ensure that you utilise the onroad parking on Channel Drive.