Values play an important part of the curriculum and culture at Heathridge Primary School. We have 12 core values that students strive to demonstrate. Our 12 core values are: respect, integrity, responsibility, resilience, tolerance, good manners, kindness, perseverance, confidence, honesty, cooperation, and courage. In classes, each value is targeted over a 2-3 week period and students are specifically acknowledged for demonstrating that value.
Every Monday afternoon, the whole school meets at an assembly where the children recite our School Creed, participate in role play activities based around our values, continue to learn Auslan and participate in mindfulness activities. At these assemblies one student from each class will also be awarded a Values Certificate.
To complement our values rewards, tokens are also given to students who demonstrate all of our core values throughout the school day. Each week, these tokens are collected and placed in a container and two tokens are drawn out with those students receiving a prize and acknowledgement.
What is UR-Strong?
Why is it important?
Why does it work?
What does it teach?